- The patient, doctor or doctor’s secretary accomplishes the Line-up for Admission Slip and submits the form to the Admissions Section together with the doctor’s orders via e-mail IPDNAVIBackEnd@asianhospital.com or face-to-face, or may call Admission Section in not less than 24 hours prior the admission date.
- Once documents have been received, the Inpatient Navigator (Back-end Team) will confirm the receipt of the documents.
- One-day prior the admission date, our Inpatient Navigator will call the patient to perform pre-admission patient education which includes Privacy and Confidentiality, Personal Items, Payment Reminders and Options, Cut-off Time, and Visiting Policy.
Negative RT-PCR swab test results are required for both patients and their companions before elective inpatient admission. The test results must be dated at most seven (7) days from the time of admission. Both patient and companions must keep themselves within their bubbles or unexposed to other people with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 and asymptomatic at the day of confinement. Patients’ companions must remain the same throughout confinement; otherwise, a seven-day old RT-PCR test result is required for each new companion.
Please proceed to Genesis Center, 3rd Floor Tower I.
1. Proceed to Admission Department 6-10 hours before the scheduled operation.
2. Upon completion of the Admission Forms, our Guest Services Associate will assist you to your room.
3. One hour before the scheduled cesarian procedure, you will be brought to the Genesis Center.
4. If you are experiencing labor pains or at your doctor’s request, you may proceed directly to the Genesis Center.
• Because new life is always a celebration
• On the night prior to being discharged, we offer a small token of celebration by treating the mother and her partner to a candlelight dinner
• Basic essentials that will be useful to new moms.
• A handy gift to you prior to discharge.
• All patients and companions are required to undergo RT PCR Test.
• Only one (1) companion per patient is allowed. Switching of companion is not allowed.
• Validity of RT PCR Test: 7 days
Patients scheduled to undergo surgery must follow the following Pre-Operative Anesthesia Instructions:
- A fasting period prior to the operation is required. No drinking nor eating.
- For ADULTS: 6 hours before surgery.
- For CHILDREN aged 2-6: 4 hours
- For NEWBORN to age 2 YRS OLD: 2 hours.
However, patients may take morning medications (e.g., anti-hypertensive, anti-angina) with very little sips of water.
Be at the hospital at least two hours before the scheduled operation.
- In the event of an emergency, admission to Asian Hospital and Medical Center is arranged through the Emergency Room.
- All financial interactions will be deferred for any patient in critical condition until his or her condition is stabilized.
- In our triage area, patients are promptly assessed and monitored.
- After a quick assessment, patients can be transferred to enclosed observation areas within the emergency services complex, which offer more privacy and are conducive to healing.
- Critically ill patients are monitored closely with our cardiac monitor
- Highly accessible, our well-equipped treatment area provides quick and intensive care for trauma and critically ill patients.
Contact Emergency Services
Direct Line: +632 8876 5739
Trunk line: +632 8771 9000 ext. 8191, 8196, 5755, 5809
50% of estimated financial responsibility. Collected prior to admission.
100% of estimated cost. Collected prior to admission.
As we welcome you to your home away from home, here are some information that we hope you will find useful during your stay.
Patient Identification
Each Patient is issued an ID band where your key identifiers are indicated such as full name, date of birth, and hospital number. For your safety, please DO NOT remove the ID band and expect that your care team will be repeatedly asking for your full name and date of birth prior to any procedure.
Quality Care
You are entitled to received proper evaluation and treatment. You have the right to be cared for by a physician whom you know is free to make clinical and ethical judgements without any outside interference, and you always be treated in accordance with your best interest and generally approved medical principles.
Privacy and Confidentiality
We assure you that your care in the hospital, as well as your medical records, is treated with utmost confidentiality.
Personal Items
To alleviate you from any worries of bringing I your personal items, we are providing you the basic amenities such as toiletries. You may also bring home your pillow upon discharge. Other electrical items such as fans, blowers, iron, etc. are discouraged.
As we all work together in making you feel better and in preparation to you going home, here are important reminders that will help you have a more hassle-free discharge:
- For HMO and Corporate Client, please submit the Letter of Authority (LOA) within 24 hours upon admission. Kindly coordinate with your HMO Coordinator or Corporate Representative regarding this requirement.
- For International Insurance card holders, you may coordinate with your insurance coverage with the International Health Services located at the Main Lobby with local 5838.
- Kindly note that PhilHealth benefit coverage will still be subject for evaluation and shall be determined based on final diagnosis, management/procedure and medical treatment provided upon discharge.
- Our Financial Counselors will be visiting or calling you on a regular basis to give you an update on your running bill balance. This will give you an opportunity to review your charges and update your payments during your stay.
Standard check-out time is 11:00 AM. Should you wish to extend your stay, half-day charge will be applied until 5:00 PM, and a full-day rate will be charged thereafter.
A more detailed compendium of what to expect during your confinement is available inside your room, and can be found on your table top.
For everyone’s safety, and as a precautionary measure, AHMC is strictly implementing ONE (1) COMPANION PER PATIENT ONLY. VISITORS ARE ALLOWED in some general nursing unit subject to screening requirements:
- Visiting hours: 6:00AM – 9:00PM
- Children below 7 years of age are discouraged from visiting confined patients
- Must be fully vaccinated, asymptomatic, and continuously masked